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David Cameron buys £25,000 garden shed 'to write in' | iLikeSheds

David Cameron buys £25,000 garden shed 'to write in'

  • David Cameron says he plans to write a book in a designer garden shed that has been installed at his family home.

    The shepherd's hut, thought to have cost the former prime minister £25,000, includes a wood-burning stove, sofa bed and sheep's wool insulation.

    Mr Cameron admitted his wife Samantha made all the design decisions about the hut, in which he plans to write his memoirs.

    His children have other ideas, however - they want to use it as a playroom.

    The former Conservative party leader said there had been "a bit of a fight" over the use of the shed, painted in muted shades called Clunch, Mouse's Back and Old White.





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