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The Water Shed, Smuggler's Cove | iLikeSheds

The Water Shed, Smuggler's Cove

17 February 2015 0 Comments Sheds
  • Owner Geoff Hill says "The Water Shed will spend the summer moored off Smuggler's Cove. Access to the shed will be via canoe, rowing boat or swimming, entirely at your own risk. It will contain useful things. You are encouraged to look at the useful things and if you find something that you feel would complete a project you are working on, or at least help it on its way, you can take it home with you at no charge. Likewise, if you have something that you are sure is useful to someone, feel free to bring it to the shed, remembering that the shed is a comparatively small floating environment so a large container of high explosives would probably not be appropriate, whereas a tobacco tin full of Woodruff keys and washers would be."

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